Thursday, April 15, 2010

aku dah JAnji kot!

ok.. seperti yg dijanjikan..
blogging time!! aku tggu time sume org tidoq, baru sedap ckit nak taip.. idea pon bnyk..
lagipon, aku baru bngun tidoq.. bayangkan betape penat gaban aku kemas bilik tu sesorg.. baru siap kemas baju2.. blom lagi buku2 aku.. haila.. aku rase da demam nih..

ok.. nak aku post pasal ape ea??? let me c..
ok.. pasal journey parents aku n aku.. nak x??

ok.. my parents was on their way 2 kedah as they have 2 stayed at cik zainabun house.. she is one of my moms friends.. they have 2 go early becoz it took about 9 hours.. old road.. then singgah jap kat umah embah..( nenek belah bapak ku!)

last, paper tu.. hari yg bahagia skali.. ngan konfiden bapak melangit, masuk dewan n jawap..

` assalamjualikum.. bapak kat mne?? da sampai.. ok2 .. imah bnyk lagi brg yg xkemas.. t kalo dah siap imah mesej bapak ea'

x lame pastu..` imah, mak kat dewan al-farabi nih..'

degan sepantas kilat, aku kemas la. brg2 aku.. kalut gak.. thn, bawak mak aku naek bilik.. berkenalan la anis,ena,fat,mek,farahin, n emy ngan mak aku.. sesi bergurau senda bersame mak aku.. than nak balik, bese la.. bersalaman..xrase sedih pon.. xtau la pasai pa..

than, singgah umah cik zainabon jap... we had our lunch there..

than baru mule our journey 2 KL through highway..

nila pintu masyuk kolej aku.. sayonara KMPP.. (T_T)!

than ikot highway.. the journey begins here,,
xleh nak upload gambq la..
xper.. t aku upload bnyk2..

tahn ofically sampai umah, kul 10pm.. but, akk aku yg sgt sengal ntah aritu wire colour apetah putus sampai suruh antaq dye p balik uitm.. sib baek ade abg yg pandai bawak kete.. actually maksu yg bawak.. aku n abg dok blakang..

than journey 2 icity.. which is a place whre there are alot of light wif diffrnt structure of animal.. mmg syok giler.. than, balik umah kul 2am.. bayangkan.. mate yg agak SANGAP nak tidoq.. ble balik, aku mandi, n ON9 sampai pagi,,

#brutal x??

till here... i`ll post other story ya!

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