30 julai 2011
salam ^^
HUKM stands for hospital universiti kebangsaan malaysia..
where is it??
well, it is basically in malaysia ^^ hahha.. it is situated in cheras.. well, you may google it by yourself ^^
what are you doing there??
dan dan dan.. sambil menyelam minum air.. berjumpa dengan kakak angkat (foster sister).. kami tak bersua muka sejak dia habis belajar.. its about 5 years we havent seen each other.. we just text.. tak sama tau kalo mesej dengan jumpa.. she totally different!! more beautiful, more solid ^^.. but she still remains her attitude.. GILA2.. well it suit us ^^
well yea.. nurse is all about patient. claim. can control the situation. you named it..
i do love her very much..
not that i didnt love my biological sister..
i love both..
they`re my place where i can spoiled myself.. it is myself..
short and simple:
ada kejutan!!
nak tau??
bahahah.. klu untuk anda teka:
separuh-separuh ^^
good luck!!
Yea..patik pon xde kakak....
AFA: nak buat mcm mane.. terima saja lah ^^
sempat lg bergambar tu
selamat berpuasa...jgn ponteng2 puasa yer...hehe
separuh2...duit raya imah nt separuh bg akak...kehkehkeh
abg edy: dengan imah sume sempat..
selamat berpuasa jugak ^^
kaktikaleh: mane boleh.. duit saya, saya punya.. duit akak, saya punya jugak.. bhahaha
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