Tuesday, March 6, 2012


6th march 2012

miss me?
tau dah.

Dr saya selalu tekankan yang:

you should not have  facebook. 

for a several reasons yang saya rasa betul. he`s closed his facebook already but he can`t influenced his 
wife to do so ^^ hahaha.. cute Dr. but Dr still helps his wife to paid her PTPTN. *untunglaaaa*

dan Dr telah membuktikan salah satunya. *thanks* but i wont closed mine. hehehe

*printscreen from my cousin`s wall*

cer try baca..

so, based on the statement that he gave out:
1) mak dia *makcik aku* sakit.
2) baru sedar.
3) dan masih di hospital.

dan aku pon terkedu: nape xde famili aku bagitau aku pasal nih? 

aku assume diorang lupa *husnuzon*

dan 0730am, miss call bapak ^^ hehehe

aku: bapak tau x maklang masuk spital?

bapak: blablablablab..


ana: maklang kau sakit ke?

aku: haah.

ana: mane tau?

aku: kat wall  tuuuut ..

ana: asal tak tanya tuuuut terus?

aku: *eh?* iye tak ye gak an..

*ambil handset*

aku: tuuuuut, mak kau sakit asal tak bagitau?

tuuut: bukan mak aku.

aku: abis dalam fb tuh?

tuuut: mak org lain. 

aku: grrrrrrr!

you see?? 

but he did say sorry for that. 

dan aku: hehehe. sepatutnya kena tanya terus dengan org nye iye dak? hehehe


kocix! said...

nasib x english communication..lau x lagi pening..haha

imah said...

kalo mcm tuh kena masuk english education ^^